— Wichita Oasis - Sunday Gathering — 1650 N Fairview Ave, Wichita, KS 67203
The director of McKinney Vento contacted us this week and they are completely out of snack bags for the homeless kids in their program. We are having an urgent drive to collect items for snack bags THIS SUNDAY.
We are also having our monthly potluck. You are welcome to bring a dish, but it is not required to attend and partake.
MV sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13zBQbeFXu_O0lfgcRQq5NpE2FCdnQxnsYcmeR03VtIE/edit?usp=sharing
Potluck sign up: Bit.ly/WichitaOasisPotluck
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