Discord: Holiday-Themed Gartic Phone —  Online

Join with members from other Oasis chapters on Discord! Our favorite drawing game! Come create amazing works of art collaboratively with friends!

Discord server invite: https://discord.gg/fAEHcTkgbu

New to Discord? The Oasis Network put together some helpful information here: https://www.oasisnetwork.com/join

About Wichita Oasis. Wichita Oasis is a non-religious community for people to come together to connect, be inspired, and feel empowered. We meet in person on Sunday mornings and programming may include featured speakers, live local musicians, potlucks, service projects, game days, and more. You can also find us online in the Wichita Oasis chapter channels on The Oasis Network Discord server.

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By participating in this event, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash